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Shelby- Cliff and Angela Franklin (Uptown Indigo) & Travis and Stacey Walker (Greenbrook Design)


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The owners of Uptown Indigo (Cliff and Angela Franklin) and Greenbrook Design (Travis and Stacey Walker) made an incredible investment in Uptown Shelby by renovating the historic Campbell Building. It has already catalyzed additional investment and business growth. Within a year, one of the new businesses expanded into the vacant space next door and is partnering with the Greenbrook staff to leverage complementary goods and services for mutual benefit. In addition, the owners and staffs of Uptown Indigo and Greenbrook Design work tirelessly to be an integral part of the community. In 2018, they co-hosted workshops to help local businesses improve their online presence in preparation for major regional tourism events. They seek out opportunities to host a variety of public events because they believe the community benefits when everyone works together and supports one another. The Franklins and the Walkers are Uptown Shelby’s North Carolina Main Street Champions.


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