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Michael Jones - Wilson

Leniece Lane

Michael Jones has, quietly and humbly, made a huge impact on Wilson’s downtown for years. Serving as president of 3C Store Fixtures, he has donated the time, talent, and treasure of this company to further downtown goals. Having served in many volunteer capacities, Michael never wants any recognition for his largess. Not only has he generously lent his business acumen, but his company also annually donates the printing of the 100 (pronounced one hundred) large-scale, Eyes on Main Street photographs that transform the downtown into a free outdoor gallery for one hundred days each year. He regularly sponsors downtown special events and donates the printing of banners and a variety of signage for downtown. Through his service to the Whirligig Park, he has donated park signage, as well as the interior design and creation of all fixtures for the new Whirligig Park Museum & Gift Shop.

Historic Downtown Wilson is proud to honor Michael Jones as a North Carolina Main Street Champion.


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