Debbie Reed and Lillian Holman make up the dynamic duo that lead Historic Hertford’s “Downtown Beautification Committee.” Their committee works quietly behind the scenes to make sure Hertford always looks great. For years, they have provided and maintained flowers around town. and are responsible for the façade grants which allow local businesses to be reimbursed for improvements to the streetscape.
This year, they purchased fabulous banners which really brighten up the street and complement the lighted snowflake poles they add to downtown each year. They coordinate the “River Trees,” 20-some lighted trees placed along the river, which can be seen when driving across the bridge into the city. They also oversee the annual “Grand Illumination” which is the kickoff to Hertford’s Christmas season.
They do an amazing job and Hertford has never looked better! For all these reasons, Hertford is proud to name Debbie Reed and Lillian Holman our North Carolina Main Street Champions.