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Candace Thompson - Edenton

Leniece Lane

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For nearly ten years, Candace Thompson has been raising the bar in Downtown Edenton. Candace is a mom, entrepreneur, volunteer, and owner of Downtown Diva Fashion boutique. She has served on the board of Destination Downtown Edenton and is currently on its promotions committee, where she can come up with a slogan or the perfect promotional graphic in about five minutes.

Candace is a true "Click and Brick" retailer. She stays up to date on social media algorithms and helps other retailers and Destination Downtown Edenton remain at the forefront of all social media platforms.

Whether Candace is helping set up for an event, working in her store, or assisting other merchants with social media, she is the epitome of a North Carolina Main Street Champion. Downtown Edenton is a better place because of Candace Thompson!


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