2022 NC Main Street Champion
To say that volunteering to improve downtown Belmont runs in his blood would be an understatement when describing Al Wall. From holding positions on the Belmont Main Street & Downtown Belmont Development Association boards, various committees, and participating in all community events, Al is never far from the pulse of downtown. He exemplifies the true definition of a Main Street Champion.
If not advising on something for the Belmont Main Street program or Downtown Belmont Development Association, Al can be found somewhere patronizing businesses or doing something to make downtown a better place. This year, Al’s most visible contributions include his leadership in developing the business recruitment brochure to assist recruitment efforts. Additionally, Al created a volunteer recruitment program that meets twice a month in a downtown business. In a year’s time, these efforts have already generated over one hundred new volunteers for events, along with adding several new Main Street committee members. The Belmont Main Street program is extremely proud to add Al Wall to its list of North Carolina Main Street Champions.