During June the NC Main Street staff performed site visits in the eighty-three NC Main Street and Small Town Main Street communities. The team met with local Mayors, Town Managers, Downtown Directors, Town Staff and Local Board Members.
During each site visit, the group discussed the annual program assessment, a report conducted by NC Main Street staff. Suggestions were offered to help strengthen each program while the successes from the report were highlighted. The annual work plan was reviewed. The NC Main Street Program's success is the result of each town having an active work plan that is implemented by local volunteers and managed by Downtown Directors.
The state staff listened to what each community was most proud of in their downtown and what the state can do to help further their success. The NC Main Street and Small Town, Main Street communities, are embracing the program with great vigor. Each one is working hard to encourage community support to further their downtown revitalization and sustainability efforts. The suggestions and needs from the state will help state staff develop future technical assistance initiatives.
The NC Main Street staff continue to be amazed at the work that our communities continue to do each day. By following the strategic planning model and incorporating the four functions of the National Main Street Program, our state can revitalize our most significant assets, downtown.