Applications accepted through April 1, 2019.
The National Park Service is now accepting applications for $5 million in grants to support the preservation of historic buildings in rural communities across the country that are listed in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places through the Historic Revitalization Sub grant Program (HRSP).
"Historic preservation projects have consistently proven to spur economic growth,” National Park Service Deputy Director P. Daniel Smith said. “The goal of this new competitive sub grant program is to support the rehabilitation of historic properties in our nation’s rural communities, shine a light on their unique local history, and foster economic development.”
The HRSP is funded through the Historic Preservation Fund, which is supported by revenue from Federal oil leases on the Outer Continental Shelf, providing assistance for a broad range of preservation projects without expending tax dollars. State and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, Certified Local Governments, and non-profits may apply to the NPS for funding to support a subgrant program, that will in turn fund multiple physical preservation projects in their rural jurisdictions.
Applications for funding are now being accepted in through April 1, 2019 (11:59 p.m. EST). Applicants must define a sub grant program that covers areas defined as rural by the U.S. Census (less than 50,000) and preserves multiple National Register listed or eligible properties in support of economic development. Applicants must also demonstrate that they are capable of managing a federally funded sub grant program.
More information about the HRSP grants, including application materials, is available on the program website: To confirm rural eligibility:
Who May Apply
•Nonprofit, tax-exempt US organizations, with or without 501(c)(3) designation
•Tribal Historic Preservation Offices
•State Historic Preservation Offices
•Certified Local Governments (list provided at
Eligible Subgrant Recipients
•Properties listed in or determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places
•Properties located in areas defined as rural by the US Bureau of the Census (less than 50,000) (more information available at
•Properties within the grantee’s jurisdiction
What Is Funded
The goal of the Historic Revitalization Sub grant program is to support the rehabilitation of historic properties at the National, State, and local level of significance in order to rehabilitate, protect, and foster economic development of rural communities through sub grants from States, Tribes, Certified Local Governments, and non-profits able to support sub grant(s) or a sub grant program. This program will fund physical preservation projects for historic sites to include architectural/engineering services and physical preservation that meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards & Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation.
What Is Not Funded
•Construction of new buildings
•Acquisition of collections or historic sites
•Long-term maintenance or curatorial work beyond the grant period
•Reconstructing historic properties (recreating all or a significant portion that no longer exists)
•Moving or work on moved historic properties that are no longer eligible for listing in the NRHP
•Cash reserves, endowments, revolving funds, or fund-raising costs
•Work performed prior to announcement of award
•Lobbying or advocacy activities
•Costs for work already completed or funded through other federal programs
•Administrative costs may not be over 25% of the total project budget
•Miscellaneous costs, contingencies, reserves, and overhead
Grant Amounts
Grant awards may range from $100,000 to $750,000. Please note that the selection panel may, at its discretion, award less than these minimum grant requests.
Selection Process
NPS personnel and qualified Federal employees will review all complete proposals using the criteria outlined below. Reviewers’ evaluations are based solely on the material provided in the application. Additional materials not specifically required by the application, and materials sent separately from the application, will not be considered. A summary of the review panel comments may be provided to the applicant if requested after the grant process is complete. Panel recommendations will be made to the Secretary of the Interior who will select successful applicants and forward to Congress. NPS will conduct risk assessments on all projects prior to funding.
Evaluation and Selection Criteria
Project descriptions must address, and applications will be rated on, each of the criteria listed below. NPS will evaluate and consider only complete applications that separately address each of the five criteria. All criteria are rated equally.
1. Sub grant Program Objectives: The applicant must explain the proposed sub grant(s) or sub grant programs objectives, including:
•Describe the historic resources eligible to apply and their significance at the National, State, Tribal, or local level.
•Discuss how this program will preserve the history of the rural community for future generations.
•Define how the program will foster economic development of rural communities.
•Describe organizational experience with and ability to programmatically and financially manage a Federal sub grant program and support the continued monitoring of easement/covenant/preservation agreements that will be required.
2. Need/Urgency/Threat: Describe the need, urgency, and threat the sub grant program addresses and what activities are necessary to achieve the program objectives. Include preservation and economic factors. Discuss how the program is the next logical step toward community preservation.
3.Feasibility: List and describe all program tasks and their anticipated results.
•Discuss elements in budget justification (separate document) to show that costs are necessary, reasonable, and allowable. Match is not required, but will be considered as a competitive factor.
•Demonstrate how the program will be accomplished within the given time frame (2-3 years) and with the given resources, while meeting all federal requirement and guidelines.
•Briefly describe who will be involved in managing the program and their qualifications, attach resumes/CVs as applicable.
4. Sustainability: Describe how the sub grant program meets the goals of relevant Statewide, Tribal or Local Historic preservation plans. Identify the specific goals, plan(s), and when they were developed and adopted.
•Describe the impacts of the program after completion, including long lasting effects and how those results will be measured.
•Describe the public-private partnerships and community engagement involved in the program and how these partnerships will sustain and continue to support the resource(s) after the sub grants are complete.
5. Department Priorities: Describe how your project advances the Department of Interior priorities:
•Modernizing our infrastructure: Remove impediments to infrastructure development and facilitate private sector efforts to construct infrastructure projects serving American needs; and
•Restoring trust with local communities: Expand the lines of communication with Governors, state natural resource offices, Fish
Process and Deadlines
This program is administered by the National Park Service. A total of approximately $5 million will be available from FY 2018 funding. All applications are due by 11:59 PM on March 1, 2018. All applications must be submitted through under opportunity number P19AS00015. No paper applications will be accepted. Registration in,, and other required federal systems necessary to submit an application can take up to four weeks, so please start early. Extensions will not be granted due to incomplete registrations in these systems.
Additional Information
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tion about this grant program.
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