The AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) program is looking for opportunities to respond to the COVID-19 epidemic.
Even though this is a complex issue, below is a list of ideas of how Corps Members may get involved:
· Food Security: Assisting with day-to-day or expanded operations of food pantries and other donation centers
· Economic development opportunities, running events/festivals, other tasks to improve tourism and bring more money into the local economy
· Helping with Veteran Stand Down events, to include event logistics, marketing and attracting service providers
· Blight/Beautification projects: Mowing lawns, trimming bushes, etc., so people who could not maintain their property, or afford to pay others to do so, avoid being fined.
· Helping with the 211 information lines
· Assisting any homeless services or homeless coalitions with day-to-day operation or temporary program expansion
· Other projects addressing new or more urgent needs caused by the COVID-19 outbreak
Contact our NC Representative to discuss how AmeriCorps can help your community.
Joel Barsky