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GOBO Promotions


Updated: Feb 7, 2022

2019 Award of Merit - Best Innovation

Belmont, NC

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The City of Belmont’s new downtown lighting fixture has become an attractive and innovative tool for promotion and community in the city.

Originally designed specifically for the Gaston County Go Outside campaign – “GOBO” – the projection is now used to promote businesses and community throughout the year. The initial projection received an abundance of positive attention and became very popular. Companies and organizations began calling the Downtown Director about how they could get their logo projected in lights, and an agreement was reached with the city that logos can be projected if they sponsor a downtown event.

The Belmont Main Street program eventually purchased a permanent outdoor projector for only $3,000 and created more Go Outside events to be able to continue the lighted promotions. In all, the lighting fixture and the GOBO structure created more than $36,500 of revenue to support town events.

The creation of the GOBO promotion fixture has sparked excitement around town and individuals and companies compete to have their names lit up in lights. Businesses in the community now routinely contact the City of Belmont to sponsor promotions, therefore relieving busy city staff of having to hunt out sponsors.

Belmont certainly had a bright idea with these lighted promotions.

In the category of Organization, Best Innovation recognizes worthy examples of innovation in a Main Street community.

An Award of Merit is presented to Belmont Main Street Program and the City of Belmont for Belmont GOBO Promotions


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