Wanda May was the owner of The Bookshelf in downtown Tryon when she founded the Tryon Downtown Development Association in 1994. The group started off as a beautification organization, but soon learned the importance of Main Street under Wanda May's leadership. She has served in every capacity of the Tryon Downtown Development Association board since its founding, including several terms as board President. In the year 2000, Wanda May led efforts for a master streetscape plan, obtaining a federal TEA-21 grant to bury power lines and begin the streetscape improvements in downtown Tryon. Wanda has always focused on the strength of the organization by keeping the board and volunteers on track and up to date with the Main Street Approach. Without Wanda May, Tryon would not be a part of the North Carolina Main Street Program, and the downtown would not be where it is today. We are proud to recognize her as a North Carolina Main Street Champion.