Ginny Brooks joined the Reidsville Downtown Corporation board in the late 1990s, serving off and on until 2016. Ginny was pivotal in the development of Market Square, the creation of Mural Park, and monthly classic car cruise-ins. She also helped create Kelly’s Way, an alleyway that was converted into a pocket park named after former City Manager, Kelly Almond. Kelly’s Way is a popular area for people to socialize, eat lunch, and enjoy a beautiful fountain. Ginny led efforts to bring the Rockingham Community College Center for Creative Woodworking to a city-owned building in downtown Reidsville. She served two terms as President of the Reidsville Downtown Corporation, and was a real leader and visionary. She challenged fellow board members to find solutions, to always remain positive, and to look toward the future. Ginny never missed an opportunity to volunteer and always led by example. She is a true North Carolina Main Street Champion!