Involves creating a strong foundation for a sustainable revitalization effort, including cultivating partnerships, community involvement, and resources for the district.

The Main Street America Evaluation Framework

The new Main Street America Evaluation Framework, developed by Main Street America (MSA) in close partnership with Main Street Coordinating Programs, outlines what it means to be a highly successful Main Street program and sets a path for growth and development for newer programs. Depending on achievement, score, and maturity, programs will either be designated as Affiliate or Accredited. Annual program assessments are an important opportunity for local Main Street leaders, volunteers, partners, and Coordinating Programs to come together to reflect on the progress of a program’s efforts and identify opportunities to build and grow.
Community Self-Assessment Tool: New
The following Self-Assessment has been developed as a tool to help Main Street leaders recognize how their program’s efforts already align with the new standards and identify areas for deeper focus and prioritization. The tool will also serve as a basis for local leaders to work with their Coordinating Program on identifying areas for capacity building, program development, and training needs. This process will also inform Main Street America on our network’s strengths, greatest needs and opportunities.
Community Self-Assessment Tool
Tech Sheets
Accreditation Standards
Available Resources
Board of Directors
Conflict of Interest - Sample
Budget and Funding
Job Descriptions
Non Profits
Orientation for New Directors | Coordinators
Strategic Planning
Video Trainings
Prepare & Respond
Organization Video Trainings

Leverage NC: Training Webinars

Leverage NC is a resource designed to further local government economic development efforts through a carefully curated catalog of educational offerings and expert resources. Leverage NC provides cities and towns, statewide the tools needed to strengthen local economies and support enhanced business opportunity back at home.
Leverage NC is made possible through a partnership between The N.C. League of Municipalities (NCLM), the N.C. Department of Commerce and its Main Street and Rural Planning Center, the N.C. Downtown Development Association, and the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources Historic Preservation Office.